Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Simon Bouget, APF (Algorithmique et Programmation Fonctionnelle), 40 HEQTD (2 x 10 séances de 2 heures de TP), L1, Université de Rennes 1 (ISTIC), France.

  • Licence : Simon Bouget, SYS1 (Introduction aux Systèmes d'exploitation), 10 HEQTD (5 séances de 2 heures de TP), ESIR1 (L3), Université de Rennes 1 (ESIR), France.

  • Master : Simon Bouget, TLC (Techniques Logicielles pour le Cloud computing), 14 HEQTD (7 séances de 2 heures de TP), M2 Génie Logiciel Alternance, Université de Rennes 1 (ISTIC), France.

  • Master: Davide Frey, Scalable Distributed Systems, 10 hours, M1, EIT/ICT Labs Master School, Univ. Rennes 1, France.

  • Engineering School: François Taïani, Synchronization and Parallel Programming, 48h, 2nd year of Engineering School ( M1), ESIR / Université of Rennes 1, France.

  • Engineering School: François Taïani, Distributed Systems, 24h, 3rd year of Engineering School ( M2), ESIR / Université of Rennes 1, France.

  • Engineering School: François Taïani, Parallel Algorithms for Big Data, 24h, 3rd year of Engineering School ( M2), ESIR / Université of Rennes 1, France.

  • Engineering School: François Taïani, Introduction to Operating Systems, 24h, 1st year of Engineering School ( L3), ESIR / Université of Rennes 1, France.

  • Master: François Taïani, Programming Technologies for the Cloud, 32h, M2, Université of Rennes 1, France.

  • Michel Raynal, Introduction to distributed computing, 20h, M1, Univ. Rennes, France.

  • Michel Raynal, Distributed Computability, 20h, M2, Univ. Rennes, France.


  • PhD: Ali Gouta Caching and prefetching for efficient video services in mobile networks [11] . Université de Rennes 1, January 15, 2015. Supervised by Anne-Marie Kermarrec.

  • PhD: Julien Stainer. Computability Abstractions for Fault-tolerant Asynchronous Distributed Computing [13] . Université de Rennes 1, March 18, 2015. Supervised by Michel Raynal.

  • PhD: Eleni Kanellou. Data Structures for Current Multi-core and Future Many-core architectures [12] . Université de Rennes 1, December 14, 2015. Supervised by Michel Raynal.

  • PhD in progress : Antoine RAULT, User privacy in collaborative filtering systems. Started on 1st October 2012. Supervised by Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Davide Frey.

  • PhD in progress : Stéphane Delbruel, Towards a Decentralized Embryomorphic Storage System, 1st October 2013, François Taïani and Davide Frey (since 1st October 2014).

  • PhD in progress : Resmi Ariyattu Chandrasekharannair, Towards Decentralized Federations for Plug-based Decentralized Social Networks, 1st December 2013, François Taïani.

  • PhD in progress : Simon Bouget, EMILIO: Emergent MIddleware for extra-Large-scale self adaptatIOn, 1st September 2014, François Taïani.

  • PhD in progress : Pierre-Louis Roman, Epidemic Distributed Convergence for Decentralized Social Networking, 1st October 2014, François Taïani, Davide Frey.

  • PhD in progress: Javier Olivares, A peer-sourcing infrastructure for personalized privacy-aware event processing, 1st October 2013, Anne-Marie Kermarrec.

  • PhD in progress : Olivier Ruas, Dynamic learning and recommendations in very large distributed com-puting infrastructures, 1st October 2015, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, François Taïani.

  • PhD in progress: Nupur Mittal. Infrastructure et algorithmes pour la recommandation de contenus cross application, December 1 2013, George Giakkoupis and Anne-Marie Kermarrec.


  • Anne-Marie Kermarrec was in the HDR juries of Vincent Gramoli (June 2015) and Sebastien Monnet (November 2015) (LIP 6).

  • François Taïani was a reviewer of the PhD for Raluca Diaconu. Scalability for Virtual Worlds. Université Pierre et Marie Curie, January 23, 2015.

  • François Taïani was the chair of the PhD jury for Julien Stainer. Computability Abstractions for Fault-tolerant Asynchronous Distributed Computing, Université de Rennes 1, March 18, 2015.

  • François Taïani was a reviewer of the PhD for Camille Fayollas. Architecture logicielle générique et approche à base de modèles pour la sûreté de fonctionnement des systèmes interactifs critiques. Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier, July 21, 2015.

  • François Taïani was a reviewer of the PhD for Pierre André. Test de systèmes ubiquitaires avec prise en compte explicite de la mobilité. Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier, November 17, 2015.

  • François Taïani was the chair of the PhD jury for Erwan Bousse. Execution Trace Management to Support Dynamic V&V for Executable DSMLs. Université de Rennes 1, December 3, 2015.

  • François Taïani was the chair of the PhD jury for Eleni Kanellou. Data Structures for Current Multi-core and Future Many-core architectures. Université de Rennes 1, December 14, 2015.

  • François Taïani served as external examiner on the PhD committee of Xi Li. Workload Consolidation in Large-scale Data Centers. University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland, December 16, 2015.

  • François Taïani was a member of the HDR jury for Benoît Parrein. Le code à effacement Mojette : Applications dans les réseaux et dans le Cloud. Université de Nantes, June 16, 2015.

  • François Taïani was a reviewer of the HDR of Gerson Sunyé. A Model-Based Approach for Testing Large Scale Systems. Université de Nantes, November 10, 2015.